Entry One 26/1/2021
Alright, so this is my first entry.
I just found out what you can do with neocities after searching it up, so here I am.
My usual routine on the internet consists of reddit,
youtube, Tinychan/lainchan, schoolwork, and programming. Its currently 6:46 PM,
so this entry will either be short or it will take multiple days to write. LX92 is my 'sequal' alias
to my other alias, Lalotax. I use Lalotax on websites like Tinychan. Im quite known on Tinychan,
(not in a positive way) and I will 'leave' the site on February 27th. But I
Will actually not leave, I will just leave for a day or two
then come back with my name as "LX92". I'll try to act different,
I wont post copypasta, ill just post memes and comment on posts, nothing to big.
But there is always the chance of me getting accused of being Lalotax
(which I am.) This is because the first letter in my name
is L from lalotax and the last is X from Lalotax.
But this is just a maybe.Entry Two 27/1/2021
So its almost time for school (its 8:04). My headphones are being weird, I wonder if it will fix. I
don't know what I should do about it, but i'll see.
Lmao, Im an idiot. I just had to adjust the headphone volume, not the PC volume. Alright, so its
school time now.
Ill check back in a little. Ok, so school is basically the same thing. Nothing different.
Exactly one month until I leave Tinychan... I guess my cat is either hungry or bored
, he is prowling around the front porch. The class is just reading, so Im bored.
I wonder if Riley can call later today..
Ok so its been a while after my meeting and
I am just reading Jojo 5 in the bathroom.
So I'm actually going to change my second alias from 'lx92' to 'daycore' or 'nightcore'.
Then its really unlikely for people to think im Lalotax.
Im leaning on Nightcore. I should post on Tinychan.